Last night, Hamilton Central School’s boys’ varsity and JV basketball teams had a scrimmage against Stockbridge. The Hamilton boys showed their desire to do their best from the first minutes of the game and used the chance to practice their tactics very well. Team Captain B. Harris had a few sweet counter attacks and there were many great jump shots by B.Yacavone. Coach praised the team by saying, “We were better from the first touch of the ball and the focus that we showed on the both sides of the pitch lead us to a great game.”
Congratulations to the team and best wishes for the first regular season game on Tuesday, December 4th at Owen D. Young Central School.
Have you seen the movie It’s A Wonderful Life? Many, many people have seen the movie and it is definitely an enjoyable movie for people all around the world, especially around Christmas time. That’s because the movie is a Christmas-themed play. The famous 1946 film It’s A Wonderful Life was recently performed by the HCS Masquers, who did a wonderful job!

The play was in the style of a radio play. The cast was on stage at all times except for intermission. The cast was consisted of HCS students and each role played an important part in the entire production. Masquers is a great activity to join in and HCS students who have been doing masquers enjoy it greatly.
Bullying is a terrible thing that keeps happening to students around the world, and often goes unreported. Here at HCS, however, the faculty is becoming more proactive on the issue and doing even more to help put an end to bullying. The first new way to report bullying is through text. The tech department has developed a texting hotline which allows students to report bullying via text, which will be read by a HCS faculty member and dealt with immediately. The second of the two new ways is an email account specifically designed for filing a bullying report. This email address has been given to students and enables them to send their tips through email where a faculty member will read the report and take the necessary steps to address the issue. All this progress made by HCS is definitely a step in the right direction to help stop bullying, and it will hopefully mean that no bullying incident will go unreported.
HCS first graders can tell you all about their  Thanksgiving feast, most of which is far from what the pilgrims had on their table for the first Thanksgiving. As a way to understand our country's roots, and to connect the past to the present, first grade teachers hosted a traditional Thanksgiving feast before the holiday break. From venison and vegetables to crab and corn bread, HCS students got a taste for what the first feast was like. Check out the pictures below from this life-long le
Every evening you can find 16 hard working boys in the HCS gym. Basketball games for the season officially begin in just a few weeks so Coach Ben Johnson gathered his team for pre-season preparations. Conditioning during late evening tactical team scrimmages is the main aspects that Coach wants to insert into the head of every player. Mr. Johnson said, “This team has a lot of talent and I want everyone be focused and to show it”.

Hamilton Central School varsity basketball team plays in their group against teams such as Cooperstown, Morrisville-Eaton, Waterville and more. The season is not going to be an easy one, but the team is getting better every day. Their first game will take place on the 23rd of November with a scrimmage against the Otselic Valley.

The entire community wishes the team best of luck during the upcoming games.
College and career ready. That is our goal at HCS and we are starting young! Part of preparing students for a bright future includes exposing them to a variety of possible options to choose from. Among the endless paths to choose are countless innovative careers in agriculture. As a way to start students thinking about agriculture as a possible future profession, HCS seventh graders has the opportunity to explore various fields of agriculture on Thursday, November 8th. They visited Barbland Dairy (Mrs. Bossard's farm), the Morrisville State College Equine Rehab Center, and the Morrisville College Welding and Small Engine Shop. We hope that students were able to learn that the field of agriculture includes many professional options including farming, vet science, mechanics, welding, chemistry, and much, much more.

Please check out the pictures below from our field trip!
It's been all over the news....our downstate neighbors are in the midst of returning to some type of normalcy after Hurricane Sandy ravaged many parts of New York City, New Jersey, and Long Island. It left us all wondering what we could do to lend a helping hand. Our seventh graders at HCS wasted no time wondering, and immediately went to work!

Over the past week and a half, students have dedicated themselves to creating Halloween bags for students at PS 199 in Queens, New York. This elementary school educates about 1,100 students and our seventh graders originally hoped to collect candy to fill enough bags to send to one grade level in Queens. It's no secret that our community is amazing, and through tremendous outpouring of support, our students were able to collect over 6,000 pieces of candy from their class, HCS students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members. In the end, almost 1,300 bags were prepared, and that means the adults at PS199 will also receive a bag!

In each of the bags, students generated the idea to include a note of encouragement and a joke to help brighten the spirits of the students. Our 34 seventh graders deserve our applause for THEIR outreach to help those in need. Watching these young adults interact with one another over the past week has been inspiring as they build a foundation of character, integrity, and community service.

Check out the pictures below from the entire journey. You will even see great pictures of our PreK buddies helping in the efforts as well! If you see a seventh grader, give them a high-five for their hard work!
Would you drive three and a half hours to learn more about math? Well five very dedicated math teachers, namely Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs.Lehmann, Mr.Latella and Mrs.Merrill left the HCS driveway at 6:30am yesterday morning and drove all the way to Rye Brook, New York to attend the annual AMTNYS conference. Mr. Latella reports, “My main focus here will be using technologies to support/enrich our math students, taking a mini course on fractions in the Common Core and the base ten continuum through grades PreK through sixth.” The teachers must be very excited to bring all this new information back to HCS and its students.
Picture from www.amtnys,org
The HCS basketball season is starting up next Monday, November 12th and the players are eagerly preparing themselves as they participate in open gym which started this week. Coach Johnson is ready to take on his first year of coaching Hamilton boys’ basketball, but has had previous experience coaching JV basketball at Sherburne-Earlville Central School. Mr. Weeks is coaching varsity girls basketball for the first time this year, but has spent many years coaching JV. We are looking forward to an exciting and triumphant season ahead.
For the last few weeks, the Hamilton Agriscience class has been hard at work building projects for the Masquers production of It’s a Wonderful Life, and finally earlier this week, the projects were finished. In pairs, students in the woodworking class built a Foley door and a wind machine which will be used as sound effects in the radio show. A Foley door is a tool used in professional companies across the world to create realistic sounds such as a door slamming, a lock being turned, and a variety of other essential noises. The miniature door and the wind machine were based on a model compiled by advisors to the woodworking and Masquers. Hamilton students Isadora and Dalton built the Foley door using their newfound knowledge in a plethora of machines. Students Matt and Logan contributed to the Masquers production by creating a wind machine. A wind machine is exactly what it sounds like - a tool used to make wind sounds in radio shows. The pair built the apparatus using a variety of saws and hand-held power tools. On Friday night when It’s a Wonderful Life premieres at 7p.m., the hard work of the HCS Agriscience class will be onstage for all to see, and hear.